Personal and Corporate Image Consulting Technician Advanced in Seville

certified professional training center Junta de andalucia

You love fashion? And advise your friends? Are you passionate about image and social networks? Would you like to organize an event for companies, a fashion show or be a personal shopper? The Higher Degree Training Cycle of Personal and Corporate Image Consulting will teach you to advise people and companies in the organization of events or in how to approach personal styling.

You will improve the image of your clients by learning to combine clothing, accessories and cosmetics to get the most out of it. You will also be able to be part of marketing teams in which to value the brand of your client companies and their corporate image on the internet.

Do not hesitate! If corporate identity or personal image is your thing, this is your course, a dynamic and current cycle oriented to the company.

Sopeña Center.
C/ Juan de Vera 2. 41003 Sevilla
Monday: 16:00-21:30, Tuesday to Thursday: 14:30-21:30 and Friday: 14:30-20:30

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